Parent & Carer Questionnaires

Below you will find the results of our most recent questionnaire.

This was sent out to all parents in their home language.

Please note that not every parent answered every question.  Where a tick was put between two answers, the lower answer was recorded.  Not every returned questionnaire had an answer for every question.

Strongly agreeAgreeDisagreeSignificantly disagreeDon’t know
My child is happy at this school12747001
My child feels safe at this school9876000
My child makes good progress at this school11545101
My child is well looked after at this school14922002
My child is well taught at this school9970202
My child receives appropriate homework for their age 8580404
This school makes sure pupils are well behaved15913000
This school deals effectively with bullying11850706
This school is well led and managed11063100
This school responds well to any concerns I raise15310109
I receive valuable info from the school about my child’s progress99571011

Would you recommend this school to another parent?  

YES 100Responses
NO 1Response

The best thing about this school is….(a selection)

You can approach any member of staff and they help you.Different trips and prizes for good behavior and for doing homeworkI am a huge fan of the meeting and greeting at the school gates (in all weathers) especially Mr Hackney. We would recommend this school. My children have come on and made progress socially and academically since joining. The changes that Mr Sibley and Mr Capewell have made show continuous unity and bettering of the school. son's progress in readingMy children enjoy coming to this school. The teacher's are fab, sometimes they don't get the credit for how hard they work.The I.T. lessons.The school has improved academically under the new head. This has brought some challenges to my child's learning which is much appropriate for his age. I am pleased with my child's progress I feel the school has advanced with regards to the appropriate curriculum for different age groups. I am impressed.
My daughter is pushed to be the best she can be in her lessons.There is no discrimination. Children are respected and treated warmly. I value getting information about the children and teachers.Twitter and the Website. 10/10...the school supports the children and parents too!
..that the school still holds traditional values and there is a good sense of community....I only wish that I had more time to dedicate to help the school as a parent.My daughter thrives at this school.This school has had my children attending for nearly 20 years. I love the personal feel that this school has.The head and deputy at the gates welcoming the children - Just a lovely environment.The new classrooms and changes in Reception are wonderful
The use of the radios between staff. Communication is excellent.Mr Possible. ANYTHING is possible with Mr Possible.Mrs Burden is amazing.My child comes out of school with a smile on her face and tells me everything she has been doing at school. This tells me that this school is a brilliant school.This school welcomes everybody from everywhere.
My Child is thriving, she loves school and always has so much to talk about on an evening. We feel she thrives because the school is a positive environment to be in with the teachers who are passionate about children and their education. ..her teachers look at the areas she needs to improve on, like fine motor skills and provide fun activities......the school gives me advice as a parent so I can help herDo NOT change. My child has special needs and the school provides above and beyond.As a parent, the staff have made me aware of where to go for help when thing got tough at home.Every school needs a Mr Sibley.

Something that could be improved is….(a selection ranked by frequency)

Communication between parents and teacher. By and large, communication was rated as good in our questionnaires, but we are always trying to improve. Don't forget that our Website has copies of letters and that Twitter and text messaging are used to send reminders.
The school gates. Is there any chance that they can be widened? The school was built for 200 pupils and we currently have over 380 children! That's a lot of people trying to leave at the same time. Although there are no plans to widen the gates at the moment, the staff on duty do try to keep the flow going. Please mindful of congregating in the entrance to help us.
Smokers that congregate on the pavements near the gates. Dogs tied up near the gates.See above. The school feels that this is not as much as an issue as it was 2 years ago, but it is always good to remind everyone. The school is a non smoking site and this includes e-cigarettes. I am pleased to say that our parents respect our wishes.
Making sure the children do not leave at 3.30 without sight of their adult. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have reviewed our 'roles and responsibilities' at home time and this should not be an issue. With the gates covered by senior staff, we are vigilant for anyone leaving without an adult. Please continue to let us know if the usual named adult is not picking up each day.
Is it possible to hold fortnightly English and Maths lessons for the parents? We have looked that the viability of this but have concluded that we lack the space to make this work. We are happy to signpost anyone to additional services, such as the language courses run by our friends at the Goole Courtyard.
More warning when the children need to dress up.All special events are publicized well in advance on our newsletters and class information sheets. Please see the comment above about other ways to access this information. If you can provide me with specific examples where this has happened, it would help us to understand when we have fallen short of our expectations.
When moving up could you ask the children who they'd like to sit next to?Getting the balance right in class is difficult. An individual may feel that by sitting next to a friend is beneficial, but the teacher may see things differently. Over an average week, every child is taught in a variety of ways with plenty of opportunities to work with different people. If you feel that this is affecting your child negatively, please approach the class teacher.
More extra curricular activities.We feel that the variety of extra curricular activities is excellent (Yoga, digital learners, football, Change for life, explorers, curling....), however we acknowledge that the popular clubs can be over subscribed. We do repeat over the year.
The amount of homework and the timescale for it to be done.Home learning is always a popular topic. Monitoring of the tasks set and the period of time to do them has revealed very few issues, with most task having at least 3 school days and the weekend before it is due. Please approach the class teacher directly if you have any concerns.
Lost property. Another perennial favorite. We do not have large piles as we have no room. We try to reunite items with owners, but this would be greatly helped if everything was clearly labeled.
More rewards for the children that are well behaved, not rewarding those small amount of children that misbehave and are then rewarded for being 'good'.The 'Good to be Green' system is based upon being good all week, thus earning a sticker and rewards. We apply the 80% rule to the weekly totals. (You have to be green 80% of the time to be rewarded) This means that children who misbehave (put on Red) can still be 'Green' for a proportion of the week, but will not have their weekly sticker and are therefore not eligible for the class reward. We also celebrate behaviour in many other ways such as postcards home, VIP table, Sibley Star awards, Capewell Crusader stickers, celebration assembly.... the list is endless. We are very proud of our pupils and visitors ALWAYS praise our school for exceptional behaviour.
More playtime footballs. More areas to play. More scooter/bike parking.We agree (except about the footballs, they seem to walk on a regular basis!). WATCH THIS SPACE ABOUT THE PLAYGROUND AND BIKE SHEDs...........
You have tried to over complicate learning. If you went back to tens and units and using your fingers/bricks the simple way, then kids may grasp things better. That way you may find time in the curriculum to teach them to tell the time and improve their social skills. At the minute i feel the educational department has failed some of the kids and are more bothered which school has the best scores. I feel the kids should come first.We agree that the children should come first and believe that our teaching allows this. The Maths curriculum is laid down by the the Government who are under a well publicized drive to improve the U.K's standards. All our end of year expectations are published on our Website (including teaching to tell the time), as well as some handy printouts in our calculations policy. A lot of parents find the 'new' way of working confusing as it is very different. Please contact your class teacher or Mrs Petch, our Maths co-coordinator if you require support with this.

Parent & Carer Questionnaires 2016

Below you will find the results of our most recent questionnaire.

This was sent out to all parents in their home language.

Please note that not every parent answered every question.  Where a tick was put between two answers, the lower answer was recorded.

Strongly agreeAgreeDisagreeSignificantly disagreeDon’t know
My child is happy at this school10055001
My child feels safe at this school8355001
My child makes good progress at this school8751202
My child is well looked after at this school9248003
My child is well taught at this school9053200
My child receives appropriate homework for their age 75541105
This school makes sure pupils are well behaved7959006
This school deals effectively with bullying70552117
This school is well led and managed8746005
This school responds well to any concerns I raise8652007
I receive valuable info from the school about my child’s progress8649001

Would you recommend this school to another parent?  

YES 100Responses
NO 1Response

The best thing about this school is….(a selection)

Positive learning + Friendly Atmosphere = Happy children Very happy that the doors open at 8.40 Numerous activities designed to make my daughter more confident All the staff are approachable and helpfulInteresting lessons..that Mr Sibley and Mr Capewell greet parents and children at the gateI think the staff are wonderful. XXXXX always comes home talking about the teachers
My daughter really enjoys learning and achieving thingsSenior staff are always available for any concerns that we haveIncreased reading, making my daughter love readingThe approachability of the Head and all staff...the school embraces various cultural events i.e. Chinese New year, is a positive thing....Good to be Green Stickers, behaviour seems to be betterMy son's teacher is creative, enthusiastic and genuinely cares about him as an individual
...I love that senior members of staff know the children's namesMr Sibley gets involved with everythingAll children are friendly and welcomingMy children grow and develop well whilst at schoolGood communication..under new management, my child's progress has improved significantlyMy child's growing confidence. I strongly believe this is down to each of the staff's encouragement
XXXX learnt English very fastGreat Website/twitterXXXXX believes the best thing about the school is Mr PossibleThe closeness between all age groups and yearsMy daughter is encouraged to better herself Boothferry offers pupils lots of after school clubsHow everyone goes the extra mile to create a fantastic learning experience
Attention of detail..the children are all well behaved All children are treated equallyThe teachers are easy to approachMy child always comes home happyWhen I asked XXX this, he replied "my teachers" Everything

Something that could be improved is….(a selection ranked by frequency)

Cars parked near the school is a hazard When leaving at home time it is a squeeze to get out the gate. People crowding near the gate so we have to walk in the roadWe are aware of the problems caused by cars parking outside of school. There are clear ZIG ZAG lines that cannot be stopped on. Senior management challenge parking on these. We have also requested that traffic enforcement officers are more visible outside school. We will continue to highlight this with parents in Newsletters. Senior management have asked for parents to stand in different areas and they have been more than happy to move. We have also started to open one of the road gates at peak times. We will continue to monitor this.
Year X don't seem to get as much home work as Year Y. In Year W my son's homework book was marked quickly. Now he's in Year Z it is not marked. Homework books could be marked more promptly, especially in upper school, to ready the children for high school Homework is always a hot topic. Many other parents praised the way that homework is handled, particularly in year groups where the homework is selected from a range of tasks. This is not always possible, depending on the learning that has taken place in school. We have arranged to discuss all of these issues at a future staff meeting
I'm not sure is this is relevant in this section but as a working parent I am never able to attend school plays or see work displays etc. I would really love it, if the school could do some of these things on an evening.It is absolutely relevant in this section. Our parents have very varied working patterns and we are keen to be able to offer different ways to see your child's learning. Speak to your class teacher at the next parent teacher night to find out what is coming up.
We are worried about issues in school with head lice. BRING BACK THE NIT NURSE!WE AGREE, the Nit Nurses were wonderful. It is a constant battle in school. We encourage all our parents to check their children regularly. They can also help by tying long hair up.
More feedback about pupils would be good. For example a monthly individual report on Learning, Progress, Targets and Behaviour. (P.S. Well done for all the changes you have already made) Texts about children's progress Quality feedback is vital for learning. Our pupils receive this on a daily basis both verbally and in their books. To provide a full written report above what is already provided by Parent teacher nights and the Summer report is very time consuming. We are investigating a parent log in that would allow you to look at English and Maths progress against Age Related Expectations. We also have many parents that arrange a catch up with class teachers on a regular basis. Text messages from teachers about individual pupils are a great idea. This will be taken to the next curriculum meeting. Don't forget to look out for the red Praise postcards in the post too.
Sometimes information sent home is on small pieces of paper in book bags and is easily lost. We do appreciate that lost letters is very frustrating. If you think you may have missed something, please have a word with your teacher. We will try and help by keeping letters to a minimum and sending reminder texts.
Can we pay dinner money monthly? Yes. We are also in exploring the possibility of providing the opportunity to pay all monies on-line.
Larger classrooms, More classrooms, Larger hallWATCH THIS SPACE FOR EXCITING NEWS ABOUT CLASSROOMS. Unfortunately we are unable to extend the Hall.
School uniform/shoes. I have noticed a lot of older children coming into school in leggings, jeans and jogging bottoms....We remind children on a daily basis about the importance of the correct uniform. The majority of children are praised for looking smart with issues addressed for those who have fallen short. We certainly haven't seen jeans, except on special occasions. We will continue to monitor this.
School dinners. Please put gravy on the mash!Some children like gravy on the mash, some do not. The ladies in the kitchen bend over backwards to please everybody. If they know, they will accommodate.
Even though bullying is not tolerated, I still think there is a need to focus on that aspect and not letting other children feel left out...feeling different from the rest of the children.We were really pleased with the positive comments regarding how well our children get on with each other in this questionnaire. The staff spend vast quantities of time developing the whole child in a variety of ways. Assembly themes are linked to this area, as is 'Jigsaw' our PSHCE scheme. If you would like to further discuss this, please see your class teacher.

“The teaching of phonics is a strength and enables pupils to make rapid improvement in their early literacy skills. ”


The joy of the teachers who greet the children and parents daily.

“Pupils who speak English as an additional language make rapid progress. Disadvantaged pupils are also supported well to make good,
and sometimes better, progress in reading, writing and mathematics.”


The Head teacher and deputy are fab, they join in everything.”

The best thing about this school, when I ask my child this question, he said Mrs Emmerson. 

“School leaders are ambitious and highly knowledgeable about teaching and learning.”


I love seeing school events on Twitter.

“Teachers, including those who are new to teaching, have high expectations, and they plan creative lessons that spark pupils’ interest and inspire them to do well.”


“We want to thank you for welcoming my family when we moved here (from Bulgaria).”

The bike loan scheme.My family also like the school bank.

My children are thriving as the school is committed to learning and progression.

Boothferry at Young Voices…..Just WOW! What an experience.”

“School leaders have taken effective action to ensure that pupils make at least good progress from their low starting points in reading,
writing and mathematics in all year groups.”


Being part of their learning – it doesn’t just stay in the classroom.”

History day was amazing. Brilliant idea.

Opening the school doors at 8.40am has made it much easier as it is less crowded.

Miss Pulleyn is fantastic

Open weeks in Foundation allows parents to enjoy school as much as our children.

The photography club is brilliant, I think introducing things like this is brilliant for the children.

My children are developing very well in school.

“The curriculum is well designed to include a range of exciting themes, visits and visitors to enhance pupils’ learning. Pupils become
confident individuals who are well prepared for the next stage of their education.”


the amount of effort put in by the teachers to make topics interesting is brilliant.

I feel the school has advanced with regards to the appropriate curriculum for different age groups.

“We can only applaud the ingenuity & continued compassion of the young people at Boothferry.”

“Children get off to a strong start in early years. This is due to effective leadership and skilful teaching. The proportion of children reaching a good level of development is improving yearon-year.”


“The headteacher, senior leaders and governors are ambitious for pupils. Their determination has made Boothferry Primary a flourishing and successful school.”


The stimulating learning environment. 

..closeness between all age groups and years.

“The headteacher, deputy headteacher and the assistant headteacher make an effective team. They sustain a culture of continuous i improvement through the school’s vision and specific learning goals, which include resilience, morality and adaptability.”


My kids love the fruit on the snack table.

When ever I have had a problem the staff on the whole have been sympathetic and helpful.

My son’s teacher is creative, enthusiastic and genuinely cares about him as an individual .

Thank you for treating my child like your own.

The after school activities, film nights and discos.

The choice to do a traditional nativity was great !.

I love the fact that senior members of staff know the names of the children.

“Pupils’ personal development and welfare are outstanding. Pupils thrive and are keen to learn. They know how to look after their
wellbeing and how to keep safe. The school is an inclusive and happy place.”


“Senior leaders lead by example, modelling what is expected of all staff. Teachers feel valued and respected.”


the school gives me advice as a parent so I can help my daughter.

“Leaders and staff have significantly improved the teaching of reading. Pupils are enthusiastic and frequent readers.”


“Senior leaders lead by example, modelling what is expected of all staff. Teachers feel valued and respected.”


You can approach any member of staff and they help you.

This school meets our expectations in every way.

My children have come on and made progress socially and academically since joining.

The friendly atmosphere, the safe environment & the teachers’ encouragement.”

“Leaders use funding well to ensure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make strong progress from their different starting points.”